Thiruvalluvar, commonly known as Valluvar, was a celebrated Tamil poet and philosopher. This ancient book is still studied today by people all over India for its philosophical nature that can help to solve everyday problems. What we do know about Thiruvalluvar comes from his writing in books such as the Thirukkural.

His work is considered one of the masterpieces of Indian literature. He was a Tamil poet and philosopher who wrote on ethics, morality, law and love. Thiruvalluvar’s exact dates are not known, but he lived sometime between the first and third centuries AD. According to him, love is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. Above all, Thiruvalluvar preaches the importance of love and compassion for others. He also stresses the importance of self-discipline, education, and economic independence. In the book, Thiruvalluvar urges his readers to lead a meaningful life by adhering to virtues such as honesty, humility, and compassion. Though he is best known for his work in philosophy, Thiruvalluvar was also a skilled poet and administrator.

He explores a variety of subjects, such as love, wisdom, justice and renunciation, and offers valuable advice on how to live a good life. What makes Thiruvalluvar’s teachings so enduring is his simple, yet profound, insights into human nature. He is best known for authoring the Thirukkural, a book of ethical teachings that is still studied and revered today. Thiruvalluvar was a great Tamil philosopher who lived in ancient times. We have compiled a brief excerpt on the life of this illustrious figure. He is known as a philosopher, sage, and poet.

He lived during the time of the Tamil classical age, the Sangam period. Born in the humble surroundings of Mylapore, Tiruvalluvar’s story is something of a rags-to-riches tale. He is the author of Thirukkural, the most important book in Tamil literature. Tiruvalluvar is known as one of the most prominent literary figures in Tamil culture.